
Labour Market Information

Labour market information and statistics can help you plan your career. Learn more about work trends and the skills, education and training you need for jobs today, and in the future.

National Labour Market Information

If you鈥檙e thinking about work that may take you across the country, and you鈥檙e wondering how work opportunities measure up in different regions of Canada, you would do well to look at a couple of the following resources and analyze data that deals with our nation as a whole.

Provincial Labour Market Information

You may want to know how BC is doing as a whole, and you may also want to know how different regions of the province are faring in comparison to each other. In either case, the following are excellent sources of provincial LMI.

  • 聽- Look in particular under the 鈥淟abour Market and Industry鈥 section, and you鈥檒l see subsections that detail labour market trends, future projections, and wage and salary information.

Local Labour Market Information

Wouldn鈥檛 it be great if every city in聽Canada聽had its own LMI publication that told us how your town was faring in the labour scene? Unfortunately, few such publications exist, whether in print or online. Check with the聽Employment Facilitators聽at Camosun for this information.聽