Meet the admissions requirements and register for your work term.

Register in a work term course

Admission requirements

To receive permission to register in a work term course on  or through Registration, you need to:

  • be registered in a Camosun program with an approved Co-op or Internship option
  • meet or exceed the minimum academic/course requirements set out by your program*
  • have successfully completed the work term pre-requisite courses ,, or 

After you secured a Co-op or Internship position from the Co-op job board, or your self found position has been approved by the Co-op office, you will receive a notification from the Registration Department giving you permission to register in your work term course in . If you don't register within five days following notification, the Co-operative Education and Career Services office will register you in your work term course.

Depending on course scheduling and workplace requirements, it may be possible to continue part-time classes while on a work term.

Please reach out to if you have any questions.

Criminal Record Check

ճ requires that students registered in a post-secondary program, where they may be working with children and/or vulnerable adults, must have a criminal record check done by ĤƵ through the B.C. Government's Criminal Record Review program.

If you are planning to apply for a Co-op work term position(s) that involves contact with vulnerable adults and/or children, you must complete a Criminal Record Check (CRC) through the Camosun college process. The CRC clearance is mandatory and you must receive it before you report to your first day of work on your Co-op/Internship work term. If this process is not completed, your work term may be in jeopardy.

The employer may also require a CRC and either accept the Camosun CRC or require one done through their organization.

Registration, Fees and Deadlines

Normal fee deadlines and withdrawal dates are in effect for work term courses. Learn more about college registration policies and deadlines.

Dogwood Blossoms on the Landsdowne Campus

During your work term

What to expect during your work term.